Lat year was a bad year for pigeons at Wild Apple Kennel. The old coop got cleaned out three times and at least once was by a bear. The coop itself had some design flaws and I've always had problems with varmints at it's current location. So, I'm building a new pigeon coop and I'm going to locate within an easy shot for the .204 from the front porch. It's also going to get a real fence. I started it in the garage where the floor is relatively level and will move it out early this week using the forks on the tractor. Should be done by the end of the week.
Decided to go with a solid floor and put down shavings. At least one critter came up through the wire floor of the old coop. |
The floor is 4' X 8' and the walls will be 6' tall. It meant more cutting for the framing but it should make it easier to catch birds when I need them. |
Since it will be visible from the house I use T-111 siding and will stain it to match the house. Windows will be covered with hardware wire and screening which will keep out the pest both small and large. |
Looking in from what will be the door you can see the opening that's been framed for the aviary. It will have some sort of closure on the inside so I can shut it at night. The bobbed entry for the pigeons to get back into the coop will be right above. I'll also put a perching shelf on either side. |
Molly and Jack are settling nicely. Molly thinks Jack makes a nice pillow.